
I’ve been doing exercise the Crossfit way for the last 6 weeks and was pleased on Friday to achieve a 2000m row in under 8:10, actually I did it in 7:58 which was good. This leaves just 3 exercise left to achieve Athletic Standard Level 1 (Well rounded beginner):

  • 1 mile run in under 9 mins
  • a 10 second L-sit
  • “Christine” (3 rounds of 500m row, 12 Deadlifts, 21 box jumps) in under 15 mins.

All these I have tried already and failed. 🙁
If you’ve not heard of Crossfit take a look at their main site here. I go to England’s only Crossfit gym in Manchester, which happens to be 1 mile from my front door. And if you’re interested, you can read my training log here.

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