I feel awful – bad sugar!

One of my news years resolutions was to give up sugar which has gone pretty well. I’ve had no sweets, chocolates, cakes, sugary deserts or drinks since 31st December. Yes it has snuck in the odd item of processed food here and there (sugar in smoked salmon and also in slices of Ox tongue would you believe!), but I’ve tried ahrd to keep that to a minimum.

However I have to tell you that this has not been easy. In fact, as I’ve given up smoking twice in my life, I have the experience to tell you that giving up sugar is as hard as giving up the cigs! So rightly or wronging, I had a thought. I wondered if perhaps giving up entirely was the wrong thing to do, and maybe I should allow myself a day off, once a month say?

However what I don’t want to do is make chocolate / sugar etc to be a “treat”. Or this to be something that I start and stop on a whim. The trick to dietary change is just that, to change your diet, and to do that on a permenant basis. Especially as really sugar is bad for you. Despite the protestations to the contrary you’ll find on the internet, the world is slowly coming round to the idea that sugar is the root cause of diabetes. And this week I’ve read that they are linking sugar to pancreatic cancer now.

However last night I decided to have that day off. Or night as it really was. I’d been shopping for my weeks food and loaded up on sugary carbs in the form of a large pile of chocolate. I was going for the aversion therapy approach (you know, catch a kid with a cigarette and make him smoke the packed till he’s sick) and I can tell you, it damn near worked too!

By the end of the evening I could barely bring myself to finish the last of it. Not only was I feeling sick, I felt terribly lethergic too. Had no energy and pretty much didn’t want to do anything. I was in a major insulin induced low.

This morning was worse; I could barely get out of bed. I had what my family has coined: a proper Carb-over. I feel bloated too and the scales show that I’m 2lbs heavier than yesterday. Maybe the aversion therapy has worked, as certainly I can’t contemplate the idea of doing this again!

Hopefull I’ll feel better by this afternoon when I’m off down the gym. Breakfast this morning is roast lamb, strawberries and milk. Yum!

{ 10 comments… add one }
  • Stephen J 9 February 2010, 7:55 am

    What about the booze? How goes that?

    I’ve cut back a lot since Jan. Its helped with my sleep and my training, sugar? Well thats not so good to be honest, oh well.

  • Wifey 9 February 2010, 8:46 am

    Uh Oh! Mr Mc what are we going to do with you? Actually I cheated this morning and had a pint of coffee with 2 sugars in, it tasted even worse than coffee without and now my mouth feels like a monkey did something REALLY bad in it.


  • Colin McNulty 9 February 2010, 4:35 pm

    Still no booze Steve, that bit’s going quite well.

  • Soraya 11 February 2010, 3:01 pm

    Did you ever watch “Diet Doctors”? They would have a person with health issues and basically link the problem to diet. They would do the food diary bit and recommend healthy eating and exercise but they would also get a super fit volunteer to eat vast quantities of whatever the unwell person was eating most of for a fortnight. This was to show how tolerant we ordinary people get to poor diets and how badly excessive amounts of sugar etc can be on our health.
    One week they got some athlete to only eat microwave meals, another time it was chocolate and sweets, another it was alchohol and a very interesting one where the fit “lab rat” had to eat a lot of meat.
    Without fail the fit person would be ill, suffer from constipation or the other extreme, feel lethargic, bloated and generally crap. The meat experiment was interesting as it made the athelete agressive. Also their blood pressure would go up, they would put on seruous amounts of weight and their lung capacity would diminish. On one programm the fit person was told to stop the experiment by her Dr as it was so detrimental to her well being.
    Worth a watch if you haven’t seen it yet.

  • Colin McNulty 11 February 2010, 6:21 pm

    Good post Soraya. You didn’t say what else the fit lab rat was eating on the high meat diet?

  • Soraya 12 February 2010, 11:32 am

    I don’t know what else the lab rats were able to eat. I think they just had to incorporate the special diet with whatever they would usually have. The quantities of the additional food though were so large as to make little room for much else.

  • Alunh 16 February 2010, 12:04 pm


    fellow PCGer and now fellow anti carbs man.

    I had a bit of diabetese scare, checked with the GOV guidance and decided that I was doing that already. My wife spotted the low carb approach – so now I have been on a low carb diet for around 15 months now.

    Things I have found –
    1 ) fairly immedaitely got completely bunged up.
    2 ) I did get achey legs at night – this stopped almost immedaitely.
    3 ) dropped about a stone in weight – I feel I could drop more but I’m happy with my weight so I eat lots.
    4 ) I miss cake and chips – the rest isn’t too bad.
    5 ) developed a taste for pork scratchings.
    6 ) still drink alcohol – generally red wine with occassional beers.
    7 ) feel much better.
    8 ) blood sugar back under control

    Enough for now – keep on going – sugar is evil.



  • Colin McNulty 16 February 2010, 7:10 pm

    Hi Alun,

    That’s good to hear that you’re doing better having reduced your carbs. When I did Atkin’s I “got bunged up” as you put it, but now I follow the Zone Diet, I have no problems in that department. Zone is more “carb moderate” than low carb, given that 40% of your calories still come from carbs. Worth a try perhaps?


  • Alunh 17 February 2010, 8:32 am


    it appears that the bunged up is a phase in the body adjusting to a different diet. I now have no problem in that area.

    I’m not doing a Aitkins – just avoiding the major carbs but trying not to be too anal about it. So no pasta, rice, bread, spuds, avoid sugar. Lots of veg, salads, cheese, eggs, meat.



  • Colin McNulty 17 February 2010, 8:47 am

    Ah I see, that’s good. I too mostly avoid the major starchy carbs. The Crossfit one sentence diet sounds very close to what you’re going:

    “Eat meat and veg, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar.”

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