Edit: November’s final number (including a dip because I exceeded my bandwidth limit) was 33,212, a 35% increase on 25,000!
For the first time since I started this ‘ckle blog some 4 yearish years ago, it has racked up over 25,000 unique visitors over the last 30 days! “Unique” means that each visitor is only counted once, no matter how many times they come back over the month, as opposed to “Visits”. Oh and that doesn’t include me either, I deliberately filter my own IP address out of the stats. 😉
It seems only yesterday that I first tipped over the 1,000 visitors a day mark. Ah ok, not yesterday, but just 3 months ago. Whereas now, 1,000 visitors per day is a regular occurrence, take a look:
Trying to imagine 25 thousand people is pretty tricky, but when you scale that up to 300,000 people per year visiting this blog, that’s pretty astonishing, quite humbling and somewhat of a responsibility all at the same time.
I think I need to go lie down in a dark room somewhere…