My apologies if you were unable to access this site in the last 24 hours, getting this rather sparse error message:

As you can see it’s fixed now; who knew a GigeByte a day wouldn’t be enough! Only last month I posted that this site had tipped over 25,000 unique monthly visitors for the first time. Well it seems that November blew that out of the water with a massive 40% increase to nearly 35,000!!
The reason was bonfire night, as my Remember, Remember, the 5th of November Poem post got 8,073 visitors, which is obviously a seasonal spike (see the bump in the graph above). Not only does that post give the full poem, including the bit about burning the Pope in a tub of tar(!) but it also has a healthy and sometimes fervent discussion about censorship and at what age it’s appropriate to teach children real, unfettered history. It’s worth a read if you have 5 minutes.
Anyway, I’ve increased the bandwidth by 50% so we should be good for a while to come, and now I have to fire off a support ticket to my host to find out why I didn’t get an email warning me that I was getting close to my bandwidth limit, grrrr…