I love teaching Tony Blauer’s Personal Defense Readiness self defence to people through PDR Manchester, and this proves why: I’ve just collated the feedback forms from the Home Ed kids and parents course I ran a few weeks ago, here are the average scores from 8 feedback forms returned:
- Confidence Increase: 271% <– That is huge!
- Course Content score: 9.6 / 10
- Course Value score: 9.9
- Coach’s score: 10.0 *blush*
And to go with it, here are some of the comments:
- “It has greatly increased my confidence. I was nervous but Colin was an excellent tutor and made everyone feel at ease. I never would have dreamed in a million years that myself and girls would willingly participate in this, so I’m extremely proud of us. It could have been very scary, tackling a man, in that intimidating suit and in front of an audience as well, but Colin made everyone feel at ease. I think the class was very empowering too. Thank you.” – Linda Kennedy
- “It is really good and helps educate you against the big bad world” – Josie, aged 13
- “The best bit about the course was feeling more self confident and *getting to attack Colin*” – Perren, aged 11
- “The course is very helpful and Colin is an excellent coach” – Sue Pamp
- “The best part was being able to have the knowledge I can now handle these situations. I would highly recommend it.” – Leira, aged 13
You can see more pictures from the course on the PDR Manchester Facebook page here.