People fear public speaking more than people fear death. But that’s not why I’ve always been reluctant to say ‘Yes‘ when someone asks me to speak on their stage.
No, the reason I usually say ‘No‘ is because my delicate English sensibilities mean that I don’t like standing up and saying:
‘Hey, look at me, aren’t I great?!’
Because I’m not great, I’m just an ordinary person, who’s picked up a few tricks along the way.
However I do like sharing those tricks with people, sharing my knowledge and helping other people achieve what I have.
But even more, I like helping people avoid the mistakes I’ve made. We all make mistakes and as you’ve no doubt guessed from the title of this post, I made whopper!
So when my good friend Tom Dylan from the Cuppa Coffee Property networking meet at the Lowry Shopping Centre in Manchester asked me to do a talk for him, I unusually said ‘Yes’ and chose the topic of how I lost £1/2M following what 95% of people would I think agree was good financial advice.
Here’s the recording of my talk on Tom’s podcast, I soooo wish someone had told me this years ago!
Click here: Podcast – How I lost £1/2M following ‘good’ financial advice