Finding Unpasteurised Milk in the UK

Last year I posted about raw milk (i.e. unpasteurized milk) and discussed whether we should be drinking it. It provoked an interesting response, including from an American anti-raw milk lawyer.

I decided to give it a try, but have been somewhat frustrated in my search for a unpasteurised milk supplier (often it’s called “Green Top Milk” here in the UK). I did find a farm in Cheshire (H S Bourne) who would sell it on demand at my local farmers market, but I ran into a stumbling block, because the farmer in question refused to let me see his milk safety / quality test results. Whilst he could claim till he was blue in the face, that his milk was clean and good, I’d be remiss both as a consumer, and parent, if I didn’t make every effort to ascertain that for myself. Especially as the Chief Scientist of the Food Standards Agency (the main dept in England for food safety) has likened unpasteurised milk to eating raw poultry!!

So that was a no go. I of course wondered what he had to hide? I have continued to look however and have now found another farmer, this one near Hereford, who sells green top milk and this farmer was prepared to send me a copy of his test results and discuss them openly. Even more amazingly, I’ve discovered the reason this farmer does so well in the bacteria tests, is that he is an ex British Army Biological Weapons Training Officer come ice cream farmer!

So as soon as I get the chance, I’m off to Hereford to stock up on some good quality raw milk and see if the hype is all it’s cracked up to be.


Friday Fun – High Speed and Time Laps Video

These videos are amazing, especially the fire breather. This is shot by a 1,000 frame per second camera:

This video is the opposite, it’s time lapse and very beautiful:


Gurkhas: the UK’s Shameful Secret

Last year I wrote about the Gurkha Justice Campaign and how some Gurkhas, after spending years in the British Army, are then denied the right to live in England. I believe this is deeply wrong and a severe mis-calculation of the public’s mood by the British Government.

In a nutshell, only Gurkhas who left the British Army after 1997 had an automatic right to settle in the UK. The Gurkhas for Justice Campaign successfully took the case to the High Court who ruled that Gurkhas who left before 1997 do have a right to settle in the UK. So I was pleased then when I heard that the government was going to be issuing new guidance. I was however completely appalled by what they published:

Permission to settle in the United Kingdom may be granted if you meet one of the following:

1) You spent at least three years continuous lawful residence in the UK during or after service;

2) You have close family settled in the United Kingdom with whom you enjoy family life;

3) You received a Level 1-3 Award for gallantry, leadership or bravery for service in the Brigade;

4) You completed 20 or more years’ service in the Brigade;

5) You have a chronic/long term medical condition which is attributable to, or was aggravated by, service in the Brigade.

Let’s take these points in turn:

1) How can a Gurkha, on active duty, ever spend 3 years continuously in the UK? And how can they after service, if they don’t have the residency that they are applying for?!? It’s an impossible point to meet.

2) Most Gurkhas don’t already have family in the country, they are recruited mostly from Nepal after all. That’s the point.

3) A level 1-3 medal is an extremely high bar (level 1 is the Victoria Cross), but even if it was less, you have to take extraordinary risks to be allowed in? Is a career of duty and service not enough?

4) Only the officers are allowed 20 years service, so this immediately discounts all the enlisted men.

5) So perhaps if you lose a leg, you’ll be allowed in?

It’s a disgrace. In my mind the situation is simple, any Gurhka who gives let’s say 10 years of their life, serving this country in the armed forces, in whatever capacity that happens to be, should more than qualify them for a right to settle here. I would welcome any Gurkha as a neighbour of mine. In fact, so annoyed was I, that when there was a vote in Parliament last week, I wrote to my MP for the first time ever. Here’s the letter:

Dear Andrew Stunell,

This is just a short note to ask you to support the Gurkha Justice motion on Wednesday 19th April (I believe). I have the greatest respect for the Gurkhas, who have supported our armed forces admirably for many decades.

I feel strongly that a Gurkha who has decided to put his life at risk by serving in our armed forces, he should have a right to settle in the country he has helped defend. They are clearly not work shy fops or freeloaders out for what they can get, they are a dedicated, respectful and hard working people. Please support this motion.

Yours sincerely,

Colin McNulty BEng(Hons) CEng MIET

I of course got no reply, but I did laugh when the vote was carried by 267 votes to 246, the first, first day motion defeat for a UK government for 31 years! The people have spoken Mr Brown, it’s time to listen and end this shame.


Friday Fun – Dogs are dumb

Last week was cats, and this week’s friday fun videos just go to show how stupid dogs can be. First up, this dog is broken, I’d ask for my money back if I were you:

The case of the amazing disappearing burrito:

Dog Trapped in Invisible Forcefield:


Fitday Food Diary, Great for the Zone

I decided recently to try out a cool food diary website called to track my diet and see how well (or not) I’ve been staying in “the Zone”, for a whole month. Every day I’ve been loading my fitday profile with the food that I’ve been eating and have been amazed at the quality of the data and reports you can get. You can see Colin McNulty’s Fitday Profile here. Additionally you can load up this data to get more useful reports:

  • Daily activity: to calculate calories burned
  • Current and goal weight: to see how you’re doing according to plan
  • Mood: so you can relate how food affects your mood
  • Body stats: allowing you to track your waist, hips, bat wings etc.
  • Daily journal: a text based diary for anything

Here are some of the great graphs and charts that I’ve got from the last few weeks, see if you can work out where the weekends were! 😉

This is my weightloss vs goal chart. I decided that I wanted to get down to 12st7 (175 lbs or 79.5 kg) and have been tracking my weight, nearly every day. As you can see, the weekends really show up as peaks in my fluctuating weight. I can only put that down to water retention due to increased carb intake at the weekends.

This is why the weight graph looks like it does, this is my calorie intake vs calories burned graph. Calories burned is made up of a base of approx 2,500 calories for my basic activity profile plus boosts to take into account the activity reports I’ve entered for when I go to the gym to do Olympic Weightlifting and/or Crossfit workouts

What really comes through on that chart, apart from the obvious excesses at the weekend (I neglected to enter figures for last weekend on this graph), is evidence that the Zone Diet is really a low calorie diet. A normal “good” zone day (during the week mostly) typically sees me come in at around 1,600 calories. That’s planning on around 14 – 17 blocks per day. It also nicely demonstrates just how good the zone diet plan is, as I can pretty much eat what I like at the weekend without putting weight on long term, as long as I’m good during the week. The big benefit here is this: I don’t need to feel guilty about that ice cream, chocolate or wine on a Saturday and Sunday.

This is a very interesting chart too, it shows the cumulative nutritional make-up of my food, averaged per day and normalised to 100%. You can see then that anything that is below the 100 line is a deficiency:

You can see that the graph shows that for the vast majority of nutrients, zoning my food provides a huge slew of nutrients that I eat a sufficient amount of. However there are 3 areas I should look at: Fibre, Vitamin A and Vitamin E. I know that not eating much cereals would limit my fibre intake but must confess to being a little surprised at the vitamin A and E. This alternative view helps to quantify this by making your nutritional intake look like a food label, with actual values:

Long story short, I did some research into Vits A and E, and discovered that there is little consensus amongst the different health bodies in the US, UK and Europe, as to what these values should actually be. Vitamin A for example is 900mcg (0.9mg) in the US, but 700mcg (0.7mg) in the UK (I’m at 695). As a result, I’m not too bothered about being a bit down on the figures on fitday, however it did give me the focus to check it out. The fibre is possibly a bit more of a concern, I’ll have to look at ways of improving this.

Ultimately I’ve been quite impressed with It’s a quick and simple system to use that provides an amazing wealth of information. I know for example that you can pay hundreds to have your nutrition analysed, whereas fitday gives it to you all for free. Or you can pay a small amount to use the software on your desktop rather than on the website, and also to get access to even more advanced reports and to sync your online and offline profiles. Altogether, I highly recommend fitday as a valuable tool in keeping fit and healthy.


Friday Fun – Cat videos

There’s not a lot that the internet does better than videos of cats, and here are some corkers. Checkout the pupil dilation on this cart video, it’s amazing! Great timed music too, wait for it, it takes 20 secs to get going:

Ahhh isn’t it cute when cats and dogs are friends. Checkout what happens when this forbidden love goes wrong as the cat goes for 3rd base…

And we’ll finish with a clear demonstration of how cats are a lot cleverer than they let on:


100 Inverted Burpees – For time

I was browsing the main site at lunch time and the workout for last Saturday was:

– For time: 100 Inverted burpees

I’ve never heard of inverted burpees before and they look like an interesting thing to try (click image for the big version):

Inverted Burpees

“The Inverted Burpee: starting supine, kip (or sit-up and roll) to standing, kick-up to handstand. This burpee derivative involves similar amounts of work and greater skill than the traditional burpee.”

So I tried them tonight. That’s the great thing about Crossfit, there are plenty of times you don’t actually have to go to the gym to do the workout, I did this on the landing at home! After the first 10, you soon realise it’s going to be a slog. My time: 21:35

As I was at home, I decided to check my heart rate recovery. When I first started exercising about 30 months ago now, I recorded what I was doing, what my heart rate was immediately after “exercise” (really it was just a warm up back then, and what it was again 10 minutes later. Here’s what I did on the 15 October 2006, 2 rounds of:

  • Samson Stretch
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Sit-ups
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 10 Supermen

My heart rate immediately after was 140, and ten minutes later was 112.

Now today, that “workout” was what I did for the warm up for my 100 inverted burpees!  Anyway, after the upside down burpees I immediately took my heart rate, which was 132.  Note that I counted 33 beats in 15 seconds.  The reason I did this was, as I continued, I counted 63 beats in 30 seconds.  So in just that extra 15 seconds, my heart rate has already dropped by 3 beats.  If that makes sense?  Actually I’m not sure which measurement is the correct one, anyone?

The 10 minute mark also saw a drop, at 92 beats, a full 20 bps less than when I started.  That’s tangible


Chocolate Coated Coffee Beans – YUM!

I bought some of these chocolate covered coffee beans last week, and they are the roxors!

Just to be clear, I didn’t just by *some*, I bought *loads*. 3kg to be precise. It’s not really my fault, they got proportionately cheaper, the more you buy, so it was… well… a saving… sort of. Oh dear.

Anyway, they are my new most favourite food. I love coffee sweets generally, which puts me in a minority in the world I realise that. However these are some slight coffee tasting cream sweetie, oh no, they’re the real deal. A whole roasted coffee bean that’s been (haha) coated in chocolate.

They pretty much taste like Mocha (I’m lead to believe, I don’t drink the stuff myself) but they do do a very good job of cutting out the middle man… water in this instance. I took some down the gym on Saturday (did I say I bought 3kg of the stuff?) and the reaction as pretty consistent: “Chocolate coated coffee beans? Are you sure? That sounds terrible. I’ll just try one… small one. Hey that’s not bad. Actually that’s pretty good. Let me try another. Hey, they’re great, can I take a hand full?” They were a great success and highly recommended, and I have to thank my friend Ian Sturrock for the original introduction to them.


Friday Fun – Paintball Miniguns and Turrets!

I recently went to Asylum Paintball at Pear Mill in Stockport, which was awesome fun. I remember the first time I went paintballing, over 15 years ago, and the only guns available were push-to-load pistols. In fact I remember the revolution that was the pump action paintball rifle! Now the guns are fire-as-fast-as-your-finger-moves semi automatics. It got me thinking though, just how far can you go with paintball gun technology.  Anyone fancy a minigun!

Here’s one actually firing:

But if you thought they were mad, how about a fully remote control sentry gun, think Aliens 1:

How cool is that!


The results are out for the English Indoor Rowing Championships, which many of my friends from Crossfit Manchester attended. I was planning to enter myself, but it was the same weekend as the Northern Masters weightlifting, and despite Crossfit’s tremendous multi modal fitness, training for both a weightlifting and rowing competition on the same weekend, didn’t seem like a good idea.

I’m pleased to report a very impressive set of results from my Crossfit comrades. For some reason, not all of them were shown as being affiliated with Crossfit Manchester, I suspect because it would have shamed all the other dedicated rowing clubs, to be totally out numbered by a fitness club that happens to use rowing machines in general fitness. 😉

Either way, here are the results from the Crossfit members, bear in mind this is the whole of England indoor rowing championships. I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s a remarkable showing considering Crossfit’s non rowing specific training:

Men’s Open:
Pos – Name – Age – Club – Time
22 Daniel Green 23 Crossfit Manchester 6:54.3

Mens 30-39 Hwt (Heavy Weight)
18 Matt Foster 31 Crossfit Manchester 6:55.5

Mens 40-49 Hwt
18 Paul Kirk 44 Crossfit Manchester 7:08.8

Mens 30-39 Lwt (Kight Weight)
6 Sean Murray 33 Crossfit Manchester 7:33.9

Men’s Open:
Pos – Name – Age – Club – Time
4 Daniel Green 23 Crossfit Manchester 1:26.2
5 Paul Kirk 44 Crossfit Manchester 1:27.9

Mens 30+ Hwt
6 Matt Foster 31 Crossfit Manchester 1:25.3
9 Dominic Beardwell 32 Crossfit Manchester 1:30.0
10 Chris Worrall 33 Crossfit Manchester 1:33.5

Mens Open Lwt
1 Karl Steadman 28 Glossop 1:34.0
2 Craig Massey 28 West Disbury 1:37.3

Mens 30+ Lwt
1 Sean Murray 33 Crossfit Manchester 1:38.6

Womens Open
1 Fay Collinson 21 Fallowfield 1:40.2
10 Lucy Goddard 27 Crossfit Manchester 1:55.2

Womens 40+ Hwt
5 Jane Holgate 49 Stockport 1:57.5

Womens Open Lwt
4 Rachel Steadman 28 Glossop 1:52.1